Saturday, January 3, 2009

What is Southern Food?

Southern food, what does that mean to you? To me it means sweet tea, screen doors and a nice humid summer night. But you say it's winter. I know but that's what keeps me going, waiting to see the fireflies and the smell of Mamma's Sunday fried chicken. As I sit here in January reflecting the year past. I let my mind wander to times that were simpler. I wish I could see my Grandmother again and taste her country style steak and gravy. I still catch smells that bring back many memories, be it chocolate cake, country sausage or even cornbread. This year I want to slow down and really find what southern food means to you. Does it mean Church picnics ,potlucks or fish fries after a day at the lake? As the year goes by please let me know what southern food is to you. Lets have a great year.


1 comment:

Trish Sharp said...

well my grandmother always had creamed corn and cooked cabbage for dinner when we would visit. back in the day, the corn was either from their garden or from someone they knew.

also it never failed that we had fresh homemade biscuits and homemade sausage gravy for breakfast every morning with scrambled eggs.
although this year, now that she is older, the biscuits were homemade, but from the freezer, and the gravy was from a package. i would have made them from scratch for everyone, but she was done before i got my lazy vacationing rear out of bed.

now at my other grandparents house it was roasted pecan from their 17 pecans trees. even this year she had roasted pecans out for us to snack on.

gotta love the grannies.